

reality bites back - Autumn 2020 Playlist

reality bites back🎵 Playlist > Autumn 2020 Gil Scott Heron: Lady Day and John Coltrane Tribe Called Quest: We The People Deltron 3030: Virus Thievery Corporation: Thief Rockers The Avala


Futurecon 2020

Bubbling up in the simmering pot of our incomprehensible global pandemic, it is wonderful to realize that an event like Futurecon, has formed in the broth! The brainchild of many organizers, includin


The Virtual Wave Engulfs Planet Earth

Upon the strange occasion of meeting with some people from out of town two days in a row, I realized the extent to which my social interactions have migrated to the Internet. Here we were, in the 3D w


Seb Doubinsky on Diamond Bay Radio

Join us for a podcast on Seb Doubinsky’s novel in the City-States cycle: The Invisible (August 2020, Meerkat Press). go to the PODCAST In Seb Doubinsky’s speculative fiction, the world is separated i


reCONvene 2020

The New England Science Fiction Association, NESFA, has been running cons for a while. Getting close to sixty consecutive years. They managed to squeak out a terrific Boskone 57 in February of 2020,


Synthetic Drugs on a Bummel

The Song of Synth by Seb Doubinsky is a science fiction novel about about a strange new drug that creates a fungible boundary between our perceptions of real and virtual worlds. The story fits loosel


Cyberpunk Culture Conference

“Early cyberpunks drank the kool-aid of neoliberal transreality,” Sherryl Vint In this surrealistic slow-motion transformation of our human society we have all become Number Six, isolated in our own


Japanese Rocketry on Diamond Bay Radio

Join us for a new podcast on Japanese Rocketry. go to the PODCAST This is an interview with Subo Wijeyeratne, who recently completed his PhD in the History of Science (at Harvard). We spend 40min tal


Memory and Hong Kong

The reality of Hong Kong has always been subsidiary to its unreality. That hilly, rugged terrain, murderously hot most of the year, was infested with things that bite. Over land slithered cobras, b